+ 353 19616211 & +353 87 6764122 info@halalcertification.ie APPLY FOR HALAL CERTIFICATION APPLY NOW

About DHCE

Department of Halal Certification is the only internationally accredited Irish Halal Certification Body based in Ireland.  DHCE operates under the supervision of Al-Mustafa Islamic Centre Ireland. Al-Mustafa Islamic Centre Ireland is one of the leading Islamic authorities in Ireland and was established in 2004.

The Halal marketplace is emerging as one of the most lucrative and influential market arenas in the world today. Halal is no longer just a purely religious issue, as it has become a global symbol for quality assurance and lifestyle choice. It is a new market force that should not be overlooked.

With a global consumer base of about 1.9 billion across 112 countries, the Halal market is estimated to be worth trillions of Euros.

The booming Muslim population in the Middle East, North Africa, South and Southeast Asia, the former Soviet Union and China present a lucrative chain for the food market. Today, the two largest markets for Halal products are Southeast Asia and the Middle East. These areas equal more than 400 million Muslim consumers. Amount to, a Muslim buyer base estimated to be 1.9 billion is spread over 112 countries.

With a global consumer base of about 1.9 billion across 112 countries, the Halal market is estimated to be worth trillions of Euros.

The commonality between all Muslims is that they must only consume Halal food. Due to the fact that it is virtually impossible to establish whether a product is Halal or not simply by reading the ingredients, Muslims found it very difficult to buy only Halal food products.

The investigation and certification of food products can be a complex task and it was evident that a formal organisation to tackle such tasks was needed.